BY JULIO MUÑOZ Posted July118, 2012
What is Adventist Risk Management, and what does it do? Insurance? Yes. And much more.
Adventist Risk Management (ARM) is a ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. ARM is a team of risk management professionals who are passionate about the mission of the church. ARM believes in being wise stewards of the resources God has entrusted to His church. ARM believes in protecting our churches, institutions, missionaries, and members, especially our children.
Why does the church need a risk management and insurance company? The vast majority of church ministry activities take place without major incident or loss. The church is really quite blessed! However, accidents do sometimes happen; and natural disasters strike indiscriminately. Good stewards of the church must always be prepared.
Protecting the Church
In 1935, in the middle of the Great Depression, Adventist Risk Management started as a dream of William Benjamin and an investment of $25,000 by the General Conference. Benjamin, an Adventist insurance professional, saw the need for an organization to protect the assets of the Adventist Church from various types of loss.

But what exactly is risk management? Risk management is not just about insurance; risk management is about being good stewards of the resources that have been entrusted to us by God.